
METAPOSTA was presented at Ficod

November 20, 2010

METAPOSTA, the Internet-based electronic letterbox and strongbox set up to promote the Basque Information Society Plan, was presented at last year's International Digital Contents Fair (FICOD), held in Madrid on November 16 and 17. Following the presentation by the president of METAPOSTA and director of Innovation in the Basque Government, Xabier Sabalza, at one of the Ficod workshops, members of the Technical Secretariat of METAPOSTA, Aitor Orobengoa and Iñaki Suárez, and the managing director, Aitor Velasco, provided details of the characteristics of the service which will be put into motion in early 2011.

Suárez and Orobengoa gave the audience an account of the last four years of development of METAPOSTA, from the moment the project was first presented, based on the e-Boks model of Denmark, to its present form. The technical officers of METAPOSTA recalled that this is a pioneering proposal in the Spanish state as it is completely legal, absolutely secure and free of charge. Likewise they explained that the initiative can be seen within the policy to develop the electronic administration in the Basque Country and has been conceived as a means of increasing the use of the Internet, of the electronic notification/signature and in the secure electronic file.

In the talk they also pointed out that METAPOSTA is a limited liability company with public and private shareholders and that it has the backing of several financial entities, telecommunications and energy companies, as well as Basque institutions.

This project, which is about to be launched, will have the backing of the KZGunea network of centres for the dissemination of its many good features, with training courses, as well as the possibility for future users to register in person. As the members of its Technical Secretariat explained, the other two ways of becoming a user of METAPOSTA will be through an e-ID or Izenpe card, and through the online inscription provided by collaborating financial entities.

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