
METAPOSTA has been created, your electronic strongbox, your letterbox on the Internet

February 18, 2011

On Wednesday, the regional Minister of Industry, Innovation, Commerce and Tourism, Bernabé Unda and the Regional Minister of Justice and Public Administration, Idoia Mendia, in the company of the Deputy Minister for Innovation and Technology and the president of METAPOSTA, Juan Goicolea, presented METAPOSTA, the electronic strongbox and Internet letterbox, which forms part of the strategic initiatives of the Basque Government to promote the Information Society.

The ceremony, which took place in the exhibition rooms of the Technology Park of Alava, in Miñano, was attended by leading representatives of the businesses that collaborate with METAPOSTA as senders: Amvisa, Banco Guipuzcoano, Bankoa Crédit Agricole, Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa, Caja Laboral Euskadiko Kutxa, Caja Vital Kutxa, Consorcio de Aguas Bilbao Bizkaia, Eroski, Euskaltel, Gaia, Iberdrola, Ipar Kutxa, Kutxa, KZgunea, Naturgas Energía, Osakidetza, Seguros Lagun Aro and Servicios de Txingudi.

METAPOSTA was created to replace the domestic filing cabinet as a solution for the disorganised pile of invoices, documents and papers characteristic of many Basque homes, according to an anthropological survey carried out by METAPOSTA, which revealed how the Basque public organises its affairs. This proposal arose within the Basque Information Society Plan 2010, initiated by the Basque Government in 2008, which is promoted by the current regional Ministry of Industry, Innovation, Commerce and Tourism, led by Bernabé Unda.

Modelled to a considerable degree on the Danish system, e-Boks (, METAPOSTA seeks to develop a "electronic strongbox, Internet letterbox" to store documents of personal interest, documents which are of high value for members of the public and companies.

Moreover, METAPOSTA assumes the same role in the electronic world as the traditional post-box. To a large extent, the documents received by members of the public via this new system will be the ones they habitually receive in physical letterboxes: invoices, bank statements, receipts, insurance policies, contracts, summonses, notifications, payslips, etc. Today, 18 entities have joined the METAPOSTA system. The Basque Government estimates that more than 300 institutions, entities and organisations could use the services of METAPOSTA.

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